“An insight is something that once seen can never be unseen….But the moment we see things differently, either because we have more information or we’ve had some kind of insight, change is natural, effortless, and inevitable.”

- Michael Neill

Photo: Joshua Rodriguez, Unsplash

Is transformative coaching for you?

  • You would like to be at your best more often and realize greater effectiveness at creating results that matter to you.

  • You are going through a big change or challenge in your life and you are struggling to see your way forward.

  • You may be a high achiever, experienced some level of success, and yet you feel you just have not achieved what it is you deeply wish for in your life.

  • You struggle in relationships and notice you often have stressful responses to life situations. You long for less complexity and more simplicity.

  • You may believe life is magnificent, though your everyday experience often does not reflect it. You have not yet found a lasting sense of peace, well-being, and richness in life that deep down you know is possible.

  • You have most everything you thought you wanted and you are in search of a deeper experience of being alive.

“Faith is a withholding of conclusion so that you allow what is to arise.”

— Adyashanti

Photo: Jachan Devol, Unsplash

Clients I want to coach….

….are willing to look and see the true nature of happiness.

…..are willing to show up, explore, and set aside what you think you know in order to listen to your own fresh thought and insights in the moment.

…..wish to live from a space of possibilities, beyond your thinking, and you are ready to work together and see for yourself how insight leads to transformation.

…..are open to discover how wisdom is always available in the most ordinary life situations.

…..have a sense of humor and enjoy laughing at how amazing we truly are as human beings.

What does working together look like?

Meeting Online - Zoom Link provided in advance by your coach.

Begin with a relaxed exploratory conversation to see what is up for you and see how coaching can support you. No selling. No pressure. Together we gain clarity on what you want. Together we decide if it is right to move forward to the next step. You can gain a sense of what is on offer by reading this website, and engaging in a conversation helps us both to see if there is a good fit for us to work together.

It is possible that coaching is not a fit. There may be some resources I can point you to, or someone I can recommend that will be able to provide more of what you want and need.

Book a Relaxed Conversation

Explore what is on offer and see for yourself.

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