Transformative Coaching

My coaching is offered on a foundation of simple truths, a grounding in principles about the nature of being human and how life works. The aim is for you to see something fresh that impacts you and creates substantial change without any techniques, models, assessments, strategies or prescribed behavior.

Transformative coaching, in subtle ways, points you towards an inner life of stability, peace, and contentment that is constant, ever present and unwavering. This space within is intuitively something everyone knows, yet it is also something that we can allow to fade far into the background of a busy life. We simply lose sight of it.

And, in the most practical ways, transformative coaching leads to results, to change that has roots. It frees you to be more profoundly resilient, and to create from this space of possibilities. It is both supportive and disruptive in the way it challenges you to explore the unknown, to look in a new direction and see what you see.

You can create what you want to see in your world from a totally new foundation.

Some Practical Benefits

  • Increase resilience and decrease stressful responses to life situations

  • Allow more ease with inevitable ups and downs, without the need to fix, change, or improve

  • See how contentment, curiosity, and love naturally arise when personal thinking settles

  • Realize more clarity and creativity as ordinary insights help you through life

  • Enjoy the freedom to create more of what you wish to see in the world

  • Be at your best with greater effectiveness at creating results

“Don’t ask what the world needs, Ask what makes you come alive, and go and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman


Is transformative coaching for you?

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