“Our genius is to understand and stand beneath the set of stars present at our birth, and from that place, to seek the hidden star, over the night horizon, we did not know we were following.”

David Whyte

Above Photo: Joshua Woroniecki, Unsplash

Hello, I am Nancy McMorrow

I have received a gift, a simple understanding of life that continues to help me realize a renewed sense of possibility, creativity, clarity of mind and resilience. Without this simple understanding, life can be very limited, complicated, distressing and overwhelming. There are inevitable challenges in life and work. You can use this simple understanding and see how it quickly benefits you.

About me

I know what it is to be a conscious co-creator, grounded in presence and to live from my true nature. I am familiar with the joy of being in touch with abundance and possibilities, to live from the aliveness of life moving through me and meet obstacles that naturally arise with wisdom.

I am also familiar with creating from will, effort, struggle, stress, coming from fear, lack and scarcity. I am familiar with futile attempts to fix or even attempt to control life situations. I know how to over-think ideas to death, get overwhelmed and discount moving ahead with self-destructive doubt.

As I continue to invest in transformative conversations, I have more insights and feel more able to navigate my way by listening to wisdom. Wisdom is available in the most mundane and ordinary moments. I grow more comfortable with the unknown and more aware that I am, after all, guided by a “star”. And I do forget, most of us do. Actually, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t.

If what I am saying here resonates with you, the benefits of Transformative Coaching Conversations have the power to transform your life, relationships, and results in anything you aim to do.

There is always something more to see, a deep feeling of coming home to our true nature and realizing wellbeing is innate. I enjoy living from possibilities instead of living from limitations and the suffering that results.

I am continually learning something wonderful about life, about being human and the nature of human experience which is universal, open to all that are willing to look in a new direction.

I wish to share this exploration with you.

Look and see for yourself. This is not a new theory, concept, psychology or philosophy. It is an actual awareness of the truth of you. It’s possible to relax and flow more with life instead of resisting it, working against the natural current that is carrying us.


Learning & Development in the Workplace

Brief Overview

I am a retired consultant in the field of learning and development. I have offered experiential learning workshops set inside large corporations and local non-profit organizations. Highlights of topics: leadership & team development, empowerment, internal consulting, authentic conversations, diversity awareness, and group/individual coaching.

My love of learning and interest in human potential continues to guide me into new possibilities. I know there is a beauty and richness in life and I am drawn to see more clearly into the peace, wisdom, and love that is the core of our being. My path in life is a path of consciousness. There is no end to what we may see and uncover.



Transformative Coach

Today I am dedicated to sharing the inside out understanding of life as a Transformative Coach and being a catalyst for others to settle into their wisdom, the space beyond thinking. I am realizing a depth of happiness and enjoying the freedom to create more of what I wish to see in the world.

In addition to Transformative Coaching, I am enjoying painting. Through coaching conversations, I have been able to create a “body of work”, something I have wanted to do for many years. I have added a gallery link to this website to share some of my most recent paintings. I realize contemporary expression in art is not for everyone, and it is something I enjoy. I continue to develop as a Transformative Coach and as an Artist.

Photo Credits:

The above photos of the monarch butterflies were taken by my sister, Jane. She had noticed that the monarch butterfly caterpillars, on the bush outside her home, were being eaten by the geckos. She gathered as many as possible and created a space for the caterpillars to transform into butterflies. I love these photos she took, and an extra special note, the butterfly in the above picture was released to fly away on my birthday, she named it after me. Thanks again, Jane.

Highlights of Professional Development and Education

Professional Development

Michael Neill, Transformative Coach, Author, Speaker

Super Coach Cafe:

Business Development, Mentoring, and Supervision

Coaching Mastery, with guest Mavis Karn

Living Insightfully, with guest Dicken Bettinger

Coaching from the Inside Out

Creating the Impossible:

Getting your ideas out of your head and

Into the world


Institute of Transpersonal Psychology / Sofia University

MA, Transpersonal Studies

Thomas Edison State College

BA, Liberal Arts

Coach Academy International

Coach Certification CNLP

International Coach Federation ICF

Professional Coach Certification, PCC

The Circle Center, Tracy and LA Roberts

Circle Facilitator Training

Center for Co-Creative Living, Suchi Waters Benjamin

Center for Creative Leadership

Falling into Grace, Adayashanti